One of the most common concerns among clients is the fear of posting too much and annoying followers. Is my business really that important? Will people care about what I have to say? The answer is—YES! People are following you for a reason. They either like you as a person or are interested in what you’re selling.
But posting on social media is so much more than that. It’s about offering a variety of exciting content that tells a story over the entire week. The biggest mistake you can make is only posting for self-promotion. You have to give people some free advice, interesting facts, and maybe even a laugh or two. As long as you keep content interesting and varied, you can’t post too much . . . almost.
2 posts per week – This amount is really not enough. Of course, it’s better than nothing, but it doesn’t give you an opportunity to offer interesting content. With only two posts per week, one would be dedicated to self-promotion, which only leaves one post for interesting content. It doesn’t put your business out there enough, and you know what they say, out of sight, out of mind.
3 posts per week – For those with tighter budgets or limited time, a consistent three posts per week is a great way to start. Then you have one post for self-promotion and two left for fun facts or helpful hints. It allows followers to get to know your business better, which will help engagement.
5 posts per week – This is our favorite option. Posting once for each workweek day gives you some great opportunities to create an engaged following. Now you can have two posts for self-promotion, and the other three can include company news, motivational quotes, industry humor, or colleague highlights. All the bases get covered, and then some!
7 posts per week – If there’s enough content, you can’t go wrong with posting every single day. Some may fear it’s too much—but totally not true! In many businesses, engagement peaks on weekends and it’s a great time to post your fun content. Also, if you have a business where products/services change frequently, this is a great way to let everybody know.
Multiple daily posts – This is where things can get dicey. If you’re posting more than once per day (now we’re NOT talking about stories, that’s a whole different topic!), you’d better have a good reason. We’d only recommend posting more than once a day if something special is happening. Perhaps it’s the week your new book is coming out, you’re a realtor with a new listing, or your latest restaurant location is opening and promotion needs to ramp up. These are all great reasons! But if it’s the same promotion people see all the time, and you’re doing it multiple times per day, that’s how you get unfollowed.
The takeaway here is to keep followers interested. Whether it’s self-promotion, company news, helpful hints, Motivation Monday, or Friday Funny, show people that you’re invested in social media. Not only do you want them to buy what you’re selling, but show them that you care about fostering a happy community.